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English 1: Grammar & Composition

This course emphasizes the study of grammar and composition. The course is presented in two semesters.

Semester 1 introduces and explores word origins and various parts of speech to prepare students for critical reading and writing. This course also introduces students to practical applications for writing, such as business letters and memos.

Semester 2 provides an analytical overview of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure to help students improve writing skills, including writing efficiently and effectively. This course introduces students to practical applications for writing, such as cover letters and resumes. It guides students through the steps for writing essays, from prewriting to final draft, and discusses various types of essays.

1 Credit

There are no prerequisites for this course.

This course is aligned to the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) standards, Florida Sunshine State Standards, and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Standards.

Course Outline