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Science 1: Earth & Space Science

This course examines the processes of science and body of knowledge about Earth and its place in the universe. The course is presented in two semesters.

Semester 1 outlines criteria necessary for data to become scientific knowledge and details the process of scientific inquiry focusing on scientific inferences and creativity, scientific argumentation, sources of information, theories, laws, models, and the relationship between science and technology. The origin and evolution of the universe is discussed through exploration of the Big Bang Theory, astronomical objects, formation of planetary systems, properties of stars, coordinate system, astronomical distances, electromagnetic spectrum, and the effects of earth, moon, and stars.

Semester 2 discusses the earth’s layers and atmosphere, plate tectonics, surfaces features and processes, oceans, geologic time, and natural and human-induced hazards. This course also describes the earth’s energy systems, geochemical cycles, deep water motion, system interactions, climate, weather prediction, severe weather, and global climate change.

1 Credit

There are no prerequisites for this course.

This course is aligned to the National Science Education Standards (NSES), Florida Sunshine State Standards, and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Standards.

Course Outline